Sep 17, 2009

I'm #1!! I'm #1!!

It looks like Google Caffeine has finally resulted in my complete and utter dominance of my name. As you can see from this screen shot, all of those blue boxes are all about this Jeanne Bright:

This blog and my Twitter stream are really boosting me up there. This blog I can understand - I have Jeanne Bright everywhere. And my twitter stream? I think my username is the only reference to who I am. To me, this signifies that Google is making a true effort to include new forms of internet representation; specifically, blogs and twitter. My personal profile is also present on the first page, but that should come as no surprise since it's a Google offering.

The things that surprise me:
-Who is buying paid search against my name? How do they find names to bid on? Am I personally driving up the demand on my name?
-My InstantCast profile is still up there. How? I am surprised that my profile is still active (or that the company hasn't since shuttered).
-My facebook profile isn't showing up.

Although my effort has been puny, I'm glad that this blog thing is finally paying off. On Google. Next - Yahoo and Bing. Then - the World.

May 11, 2009

Twitter Part Duex

I just updated my twitter link to my new-ish work-related twitter. I was just doing a search on my name (because I am actually that conceited, as proven through previous posts), and my work twitter started ranking for "Jeanne Bright." That is actually fantastically awesome. I guess Twitter has stopped using the robots.txt file.

Click here for more information on Twitter embracing its search capabilities: