Jan 3, 2008

What the hell does that title mean?

A Bildungsroman is a novelistic form that concentrates on the spiritual, moral, psychological, or social development and growth of the protagonist usually from childhood to maturity.

miso·ne·ism : a hatred, fear, or intolerance of innovation or change.


Ever since I was little, I always hated change. I can vividly remember crying when a preacher at my church announced that he was retiring. I had never talked to the man, I was probably only 6. What generated my emotion was the thought of how my Sunday ritual was disrupted from what I had known for so long, and how the future was slightly unknown.

This fear of change no longer causes quite as much of an emotional distress, but I still have the tendency to stick to a daily routine in order to minimize any foreign changes. Albeit this daily routine is comfortable, I usually reach a breaking point where it becomes so boring that I need a change.

After living at home in Cleveland, OH for a month after graduating college, I needed a break from the dreary and sophmorish life I was leading. Although I am not always partial to large changes, I decided to move to New York City in persuit of a career in interactive advertising. At first this move was jolting, and I rarely left my apartment. But as I have lived here for almost six months, the hectic pace of city living is no longer different; it is my life.

This blog from here out will contain my tales of how I believe living in the city has changed my long-held perceptions to hopefully grow into a confident, well-established, and sucessful person.

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