Feb 13, 2008

Learning more about the internet!

Although I work on the internet for approximately 9 hours a day and spend around 2 hours outside of that for my personal enjoyment, I am still not satisfied with the amount of information that I understand about how the internet works. In school I might have spread myself out too thin (hello Psychology major with Business and Studio Art minors!), but I never realized how powerful understanding computer science could be for me in the long run.

In order to "expand my horizons" on this new-fangled world wide web, I recently registered for a Web Design Basics class at Parson's School of Design. This week's assignment was to create a blog and post some schtuff on it - luckily I was slightly ahead of the curve by a month or so. And, by the way, shout out to my random classmates who will be checking this out on Saturday!

Anyway, by the end of the class I will be able to make a three-page website. Hopefully this website will be a place for me to showcase my work (limited artwork/photography/computer animation/SEM stuff?) and may help me get my name on the internet. In the last post I touched on the fact that I've set up a personal goal to SEO myself, and so far it's not going as well as I would have liked (although I haven't been rigorously working on it). This class slash website will get my name out there, and hopefully it will get to the point where I can work on some freelance SEO or SEM. A girl can dream, eh?

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